Support Indigenous Groups to Build Resilient and Sustainable Communities
what we’re working on:
Source Farm has been holding the vision of supporting individuals and communities in returning to a land-based way of living, which is more harmonious with our bodies, the planet, and the Universe.
We’ve been serving as midwives for more and more people returning to this way of life, providing guidance through one-to-one conversations, permaculture trainings that honor nature’s design principles, and natural building and organic farming workshops.
Spirit has now connected us to the Noke Koî people, an indigenous tribe in Brazil, to support them in developing/strengthening the infrastructure and systems they’ll need for their community to thrive.
This includes having:
Access to clean water
Food sovereignty
Safe and culturally appropriate housing
Sustainable energy systems
Access to traditional and complementary modern healthcare
Economic sustainability
Access to education
Vitality of their language and culture
Traditional knowledge systems and Spiritual connection
The Noki Koî People in Brazil
Source and other collaborators from across the world with expertise in the areas listed above will be gathering in February 2025 in an inaugural meeting that will create the plan for our work supporting the Noke Koî people. Our collective is called The Terrana Community Development Alliance (TCDA).
Key to Source’s own indigenous practices, we’ll be centering the guidance of Spirit through ceremonies and divinations so that our work is done with balance and clarity
We’d love your support to make our travel to meet the Noke Koî community leaders and our other collaborators. This includes donating towards our flight, meals during our meetings, materials, and other resources that will be required.
Please visit our fundraising campaign here to contribute an amount that feels joyful for you. LINK TO CAMPAIGN HERE
Please also consider sharing this with friends or family members who are called to seeing more healing and balance on the planet.